Service January 19, 2025

Discussing the Sixth Principle: Peace, Liberty and Justice for All   Rev. Ernie Mills

10:30 Whimsical World Gallery, Landrum, SC

We are experiencing globalization nowadays more than ever before, yet we are far from feeling a sense of community with our neighbors around the world. Meanwhile the forces of nationalism and isolationism seem to be growing stronger and fostering a strong resistance to the creation of a world community. I would like to believe that we are experiencing the pangs of a new birth that will lead to a sense of one world, one planet that we all share.

Service January 5, 2025

Discussing the Fifth Principle: Affirming the Right of Conscience      Rev. Ernie Mills

10:30 Whimsical World Gallery, Landrum SC

You’ve heard the saying “follow your conscience” yet that may not put you in the line that everyone else is marching in. In fact it may put you at odds with the prevailing attitudes of the world around you. But never fear if you happen to live in a democratic society – you can speak your conscience without fear of being persecuted or prosecuted.

But are we experiencing the erosion of democracy in America and with it the right of conscience?
And what can we do to affirm and promote this principle?

Service December 15, 2024

Freedom to Be    Rev Ernie Mills

Dec 15, 2024   Whimsical World Gallery, Landrum, SC

Freedom is essential to all our searching and seeking. As Unitarian Universalists we work
with the intention of creating a safe space for each other to openly and freely search for meaning without fear of being morally judged or corrected. Our 4th UU principle calls us to “affirm and promote a free and responsible
search for truth and meaning.”

Service December 1, 2024

Beyond Tolerance      Rev Ernie Mills

Dec 1, 2024 Whimsical World Gallery, Landrum, SC

We’ll explore our 3rd UU Principle, “Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations.”

This principle challenges us to move beyond tolerance which is a form of suffering- in this case- of another’s beliefs or ideals. Through accepting one another we experience the enriching and ennobling of our own faith and “expand our vision”…and our horizon.

Service November 17, 2024

Restoring Human Dignity         Rev. Ernie Mills
10:30 Whimsical World Gallery, Landrum, SC

The journey to the restoration of the inherent worth and dignity of every person began in the Renaissance with such works as, “Oration on the Dignity of Man” by Giovanni Pico. It continued on through the Enlightenment with a frontal attack on the dogma of “Original Sin”.  Our first principle offers us an alternative view to the belief that we humans are inherently corrupt and in need of a gruesome sacrifice to be “saved.” But we all know how challenging it can sometimes be to put this principle into practice- perhaps even when it comes to ourselves.

Service November 3, 2024

Gonna find my way in Nature’s Chain        Rev. Ernie Mills
10:30 Whimsical World Gallery, Landrum, SC

Here’s for all you nature lovers and worshipers of G.O.D. (Great Out Doors); the last source of our Living Tradition that focuses on the earth and the “rhythms of nature”. This will bring our series of our UU Sources to a close. I hope we all have taken some time to reflect on our spiritual lives and from where we draw our sources in forming and shaping them. Yet we may have discovered in this process that the source(s) we draw from are not listed. For example a vital source in my life has been and is music and the arts. We’ll set aside a few moments during the service for others to share their source(s) that are not listed.

Service October 20, 2024

Thanks to Athene     With Reverend Ernie Mills

10:30AM Whimsical World Gallery, Landrum, SC

Athene, the ancient Greek goddess of reason, was born out of the brain of Zeus. This is a mythical image of the birth of reason and the beginning of what we now know as science. The ancient Greek philosophers came to believe there were
natural and rational explanations for everything. Science has come a long way since Athene.

This brings us to our Fifth Source, “Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science…” We will explore this source and its impact on our lives in the here and now.

Service October 6, 2024


Whimsical World Art Gallery, Landrum, SC

Sunday’s service will be a gathering of the community, familiar and new, to share our current and recent Joys and Sorrows, and some music. Our minister, Ernie, is unavailable at this time, so there will be no official “message.”

All are welcome to attend and share in fellowship at this trying time.

Service September 29, 2024

Why are You a UU?

Led by Rev. Ernie Mills.  10:30AM

Our “Fifth Sunday Service” will feature two familiar faces from the Fellowship
who will share why they are Unitarian Universalists and the spiritual journey that
led them to this denomination. As we all know, UUs are encouraged to pursue
their own understanding of the divine, and those who grew up in our tradition are
free to embrace other religions. Yet most who grew up in the church stay UUs.
On September 29, we will hear from one who did just that.

Service September 15, 2024

“Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving our neighbors as ourselves.”

Rev. Ernie Mills   10:30AM

We are hearing a lot about loving our neighbors as ourselves these days and especially from those who are running for political office. It is a good reminder and a much needed call
to wake us up—or re-awaken us—to a core value of what it means not just to be an American but what it means to be human. This source is also a good reminder that we are not
bigots when it comes to Christianity or Judaism.