Service May 19, 2024

The Power of Music.      Rev Ernie Mills


Modern neurological research into the art of music has revealed the extent of its power, way beyond what was known in the past. One thing we have learned is that music is much more than just entertainment; it has medicinal qualities that we have just begun to understand. Music has healing powers and it is the highest expression of the human spirit. In this reflection we will sing as much, if not more, than I talk

Service May 5, 2024

The Dignity of Human Life  Rev Ernie Mills


“Why?” asked Ling Yutang, “If there was no God, people would not do good and the world would go topsy-turvy.” “Why?” answered his Confucian friend. “We should lead a decent human life simply because we are decent human beings.”


This quote from Ling Yutang’s book, “The Importance of Living” highlights the importance of living with a sense of dignity and self-respect. Our first UU principle invites us to affirm and promote this very ideal. We will explore this principle and how it contrasts with the doctrine of original sin.

Service April 21, 2024

Eve, The Founder of Science

Rev. Ernie Mills

Could it be that the mother of science was just that, a mother? Yes, I believe it could be and indeed it was, in my opinion. It all depends on how you interpret the role of Eve in the Genesis myth of the Fall. Instead of bringing sin and death into the world, as orthodox interpretations would have it, I believe Eve was willing to think outside the box, wonder, reach out beyond the established boundaries, even if it meant angering the gods and get the science ball rolling. Eve gets blamed for the Fall, but really should get the credit for being the true mother of science.

After all, who wrote the Book of Genesis?

Service April 7, 2024

“Did I Do That?”   Exploring the Over-Soul

Rev Ernie Mills

Those of you who were fans of “Family Matters” may recall the main character Steve Urkel asking from time to time,“Did I do that?” Steve was an unassuming nerd, who quite often engaged in behaviors that had unintended consequences. This brings to mind Emerson’s idea of the “over-soul” of which he says, “I am constrained every moment to acknowledge a higher origin for events than the will I call mine.” Perhaps you can recall a moment or moments in your life, when you asked “Did I do that”? If so, you can relate to the over-soul.

Service Mar 31, 2024

Fred Flintstone as a Role Model?

Rev Pat Jobe

Rev. Pat Jobe, who serves the Unitarians of Lake Norman, has had  many Fred Flintstone moments. After two divorces, going broke in business three times, and being fired from four jobs, one of his congregants around Lake Norman said, “You must be difficult!”

Rev. Jobe will walk us through some of his personal disasters and then evoke the forgiving spirit of Wilma Flintstone who could always be heard to say, “Oh, Fred,” as she forgave Fred, embraced him and they recovered together from his latest scheme, battle, bump or rattle. Unitarian Universalists know what it is like to fall flat on our faces and get back up and start all over again.

Service Mar 17, 2024

Jung’s Myth of the Cave

Rev Ernie Mills

Carl Jung tells the story of a man who went in search of the truth.  He found a cave and there he decided to stay until the truth was revealed to him.  After a few days, he was suddenly overcome by the urge to draw circles on the cave walls. “This is it,” he thought to himself and so he drew more circles. He left the cave and shared his discoveries with others who later discovered the same cave and the circles on the walls.  “This is it,” they exclaimed, and so they started drawing circles. Jung comments “This is the way it was then and the way it is now. We anticipate results in hopes that the process that led to those results will repeat itself.” Joseph Campbell calls it “eating the menu.”

Service Mar 3, 2024

Jesus was a Unitarian, which is the reason I’m one

Rev Ernie Mills

“Orpheus,” wrote Jane Harrison, “halted halfway on the ladder between earth and heaven, a ladder up which many mortals have gone and vanished into the remote unreality of complete godhead.” Jesus was not as lucky as Orpheus (his Greek prototype) in spite of his efforts to avoid going up the ladder and vanishing into “the remote unreality of complete godhead” he was pushed up the ladder by the emperor Constantine. The Trinity makes absolutely no sense at all, and why would it? It is the only dogma in Christian history created outside of ecclesiastical authorities. Jesus was a unitarian and his teachings are the reason I became a Unitarian.

Service Feb 18, 2024

UUs Go To Hell    Reverend Ernie Mills

In Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” Huck is committing a grave sin by helping a runaway slave, Jim, to escape. Twain’s story is fictional but it is not a fiction that African Americans were considered less human and did not share the same emotions as Caucasians. The turning point in the story is when Huck and Jim are floating down the Mississippi river on a homemade raft. It’s night and Huck overhears Jim crying for his family. Huck then realizes that Jim has a heart and is human. And although Huck believes he is breaking a law of God he experiences a life-changing, existential crisis and says to himself, “Alright I’ll go to hell.”

Unitarian Universalists come from a long line of “Huck Finns.” They are those who have stood up against institutions of power and authority, whether religious, political or even “God” (or gods made in human images.) We’ll take a brief look at this history and what it means to “go to hell” for the cause of justice.

Service Feb 4 2024 (at Landrum’s Depot)

Why I got my tongue stuck in a Coke bottle   Reverend Ernie Mills

When I turned six, my parents threw a party and my classmates were invited. It was all fun until I tried to pull off a victory in a weird competition —making popping sounds by using a coke bottle. You’ll have to attend the service on February 4 if you want to hear the rest of the story. I’m using this incident as a launching pad to explore a theory (maybe law?) put forth by Will Storr in his new book, The Status Game. The book “examines our deep-rooted desire for social status and how it influences our behavior.”

Pot luck lunch to follow. Main dishes, drinks and place settings provided.

Service January 21, 2024

What Do We Give When We Forgive?   Rev. Ernie Mills

10:30 Whimsical World Gallery

The etymology of the word “forgive” comes from Latin perdonare, which means “to give completely without reservation.” Yet, what are we giving when we for- give? We will take a close look at the psychological aspect of forgiveness and see if we can’t come up with an answer to the question.